How to Define your Target Audience with Social Media


When was the last time you analysed your audience? Have your got a buying persona devised? 

Writing content for social media MUST include a clear picture of who your audience is. You don't want to be talking to a brick wall, so make sure you do the research so your business can make authentic connections online. 

1. Start by defining your target customer. Write down the obvious characteristics - age, gender, marital status, children, income, buying decisions etc. Get a BIG sheet of paper and grab a nice marker!

2. Think about whether your business has one persona or more. Define each audience segment separately.

3. What's your price point? Can your current demographic afford your product or service?

4. Where are your customers located - local, interstate or international? Do you travel to your customers, are you online or does everyone come to you?

5. Who are your customers? What are their values? Ask your employees - your most trusted clients - find out their likes/dislikes, what TV do they watch, do they travel, what do they read on and offline? This will really help build your picture and share content that will be of genuine interest to them. How does your product or service benefit their lifestyle?

6. Keep an eye on your competitors, watch what they are doing with their social media marketing and analyse their successes (and failures).

Write it all down and regularly add to this exercise. Business evolves, people change. Ensure you are always asking questions of your clients to ensure you are on top of your game and clear about your relationship. Remember - social media marketing is about being, well - social and the platforms are a terrific opportunity for us to reach people we wouldn't have the opportunity of connecting with in person. 

What are your tips? I'm always keen to hear your thoughts so feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for checking in this week

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